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Affiliated organisations is a small community in it of itself, but it also acts as a hub small business, communities, and teams around the world. These affiliates are capable of doing amazing things, and being able to help people do amazing things is more than enough for us.

Part of an affiliate and want access ? Sign up here or select your organisation to login via SSO. members have special priviliges not extended to affiliates, such as : members and their affiliates have access to :

For affiliates

Affiliates utilising Discord or GitHub can add support themselves or relegate the duty to administrators. Modifiying the user mappings is trivial and fairly intuitive. For affiliates that use SSO solutions, specifically OIDC Connect, we allow authentication and can map groups to organisation teams upon request.

If you rely on a solution other than Discord, Github, or an in-house SSO solution for authentication, please reach out or create an issue in the authenticaiton repository requesting support for the platform you utilise. We try to make accomodations where possible.

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